Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Friends in need and deed too

Silence enables one to listen to the solution for handling situations.

Projection: In challenging situations, we normally tend to think a lot in order to find the right solution. But we find that the more we think, the more we are far from finding the solution. The mind continues to think negative and waste, making us go round in circles. So we are not really able to bring any concrete answers to our problem or challenge.

Solution: Inner silence means an inner state of calm, which allows the best to come from within. When I am able to experience inner silence, or an inner state of calm in all situations, I am able to be free from problems, because I will not have the feeling of having a problem. Instead there will only be a feeling of having a solution and the confidence in doing the right thing. I will be able to use the best of my talent, creativity and inner power to do what has to be done. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The habit of thinking positive finishes negative.

Projection: Usually it becomes very difficult or sometimes impossible for me to think positive in difficult situations. At that time, although I want to, the response that emerges from within is based on the habit that is formed previously. This further then is reinforced and becomes a stronger habit of thinking negative. And we find ourselves caught up in this viscious cycle of negativity.

Solution: Just as it has become a habit of thinking negative, a positive habit when created will naturally bring about a change. A little practice and attention to form a habit of thinking positive will reveal its result of creating an influence of positivity. The situations will not change on their own, but the habit that has been formed will bring about a change in the response and will change the situation too. I then become free from the struggle of having to change my mind to positive in difficult situations. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bringing newness in dealing with life’s situations brings happiness.

Projection: Unhappiness is experienced when there is no newness in dealing with the variety of life’s situations. We continue to think the same way and act in the same way, so we are caught up in the same viscious cycle. We are not able to see anything new in the new situations that come our way. These turn to burdensome thoughts that drain out positive energy.

Solution: I experience a lot of happiness when there is newness brought in responding to situations. The potential and the energy of the mind is channelised in a positive way so there is an experience of fulfillment and satisfaction. The mind is not caught up with negative or waste but is busy trying for the best solutions in all situations, and life itself becomes more beautiful.